Sunday, January 15, 2012

Winged Things.

"I was always a lover of soft winged things." Victor Hugo ... I love winged things; angels, fairies, birds and my personal favorite..BUTTERFLIES! I've been totally obsessed with them for years. The ultimate in butterflies is the Blue Morpho in Costa Rica. With a huge wingspan and a gorgeous florescent blue that shimmers in the sun, they look an animation when they fly by in the dipsy doodle type flight pattern they have. In the states, my favorite is the Tiger Swallowtail and I love all of the ones in between. Like millions of others, I like watching birds. All birds. My favorite is the Cardinal. I saw some pretty spectacular birds in Central America, but I found myself missing the cardinal. They have a pretty red summer tanager down there, but it's not the same. I can understand why angels are portrayed with wings...light, mystical and free. And children's (and some adults) best imaginary friends...fairies. The things storybooks and make believe are made of.
The world is full of wonders. I hope I never lose that child like awe of watching soft winged things FLY!


  1. Yay- I'm so glad you got a new camera. I love the jude life.. :)

  2. Oh Happy Happy Birthday To You, Dear Jude!!!!
    I hope your day was marvelous and special, thank you for sharing it over at my place!:)
    I'm so glad you liked the post...
    I, too, love these wonderful winged beauties.
    You say that the cardinal is your father told me he saw THREE of them together on a branch in his front yard today. Three males..a rare sight honor of your birthday!:) And what a beautiful song the cardinal sings..
    And that child like awe is your key to staying young!
    Happy Birthday!
    - Irina

  3. There is something magical about butterflies. I love them too. Those paper wings make me swoon. I've heard that Costa Rica is beautiful. What a wonderful opportunity you had to live in a place surrounded by exotic beauty.

    I want to wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day. Welcome home . . .


  4. Jude~
    stumbled upon your blog somehow..
    read every single post!
    experienced your joy and pain with MoBo,..
    something clicked when you mentioned growing up in Pensacola..
    and Jay!
    I am a native Pensacolian, with family ties to Jay..
    am wondering if perhaps we may have known each other..
    at one time or another?
    would love to compare notes!
    perhaps it is a small world after all!
    warmest hugs..

  5. Hello!
    I love birds and butterflies too. I just did a post about them recently on my blog!
    I really like that photo of your blue butterflies and that one little blue bird in the window! Blue is so calming to me, must always have a bit of blue to look at, even at work...a piece of sky blue paper is taped to my desk, just because I like it there!

  6. Hi Jude! So nice that you stopped by with your very high praise! We are mutual nature lovers! I love winged things too! Best to you, J.

  7. Hi Jude! So nice you flitted by with your good word! Nice to know you are out there. I hope you are enjoying the season!

  8. Good morning Jude! I see now how you stumbled upon my blog; I have as one of my labels as CARDINALS. You must have found me that way!

    I too love cardinals, and all small birds. I have to admit that I had and still have a tad of a strange fear of butterflies!!!! Isn't that the weirdest thing? Some people have strange phobias, and that is mine. BUT blue ones are remarkably striking, as most of wondrous creatures are!

    Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. Anita

  9. Wow, your blog is amazing and you are very creative. Kisses.

  10. Butterflies have a special meaning for me. My mother loved butterflies and when she passed away we wore her butterfly lapel pins. She had so many brooches that were butterflies. On the picture board at the church next to the sign in book we placed two Orange butterflies made out of silk on the frame. After the memorial service was over my sister and some cousins went to the burial site. They had placed one of the large flower arrangements by the grave. We hardly see butterflies where we are but the strangest thing happened. All of a sudden two orange butterflies flew and landed on the flower wreath. Two just like the orange silk butterflies we had placed on the picture frame. All of us looked on and said, "Look at those butterflies!" My cousin said, "It's a sign from your mom!" It was such a magnificent gift. Now whenever I see an orange butterfly in my backyard I smile and say, "Hi mom!" Love your blog. It's uplifting. Thank you.

  11. I BELIEVE! I too want to celebrate the softer things in life. Jude, thank you for coming to visit. It is a pleasure to meet you and your gentle world. Anita

  12. We love butterflies and their symbolism! I have some gorgeous photos from butterfly museums. I also collect things with butterfly images too. One time we ordered butterflies and grew them and released them. It was wonderful!

  13. Jude, I love your stained glass butterflies. I have made some in the past and have placed them in our garden, its a magical look. I love all soft winged things too! Thanks so much for stopping by with your kind comments. Nice meeting you!

  14. Dearest Jude! I think winged beings are fascinating as well, and we had our share of lovely butterflies this summer. Thanks to a great gardener neighbor, the once scare monarch came back this summer and it was a joy to see them flutter past us, dancing in the air! Imagine seeing this BLUE BEAUTY? WOW, that would be remarkable!

    Jude, thank you for your visit today and kind words! May you enjoy a great September! HUGS, Anita

  15. Those blue wonders have to be one of nature's best and to see one would almost be a miracle! Jude, thank you so much for coming to visit me! I so hope that as you make your transition that you will find a peace and joy as you build your nest....take flight and delight in the joy of each breath!!

  16. Dear, dear Jude! I so wish you'd post again; I so love your idea here and a blue butterfly is always welcomed, rain, shine or snow!

    Thank you kindly for coming to comment and you too lost your mother? I lost both of my parents two weeks apart, now 29 years ago, but the loud and festive Mexican-American style Thanksgivings are now a thing of the past, like all things are....but memories are forever. May your celebration be a very special one. PEACE! Anita

  17. Me encanta tu post, que bonito blog.Te animo a echar un vistazo a mi post verás algunas ideas realmente interesantes, que creo te pueden inspirar. Deseo que pases un buen rato y espero que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas, gracias por visitarme.

  18. Oh Jude, how I've missed YOUR POSTS! I hope you get my message here. Thank you for coming to visit me! Truly it is a joy to come back here to see if you are around. You are so right in your comment that change is DEFINITELY inevitable, and it teaches you a great deal. I am glad however, that there are constants in change such as growing up, getting stronger, staying focused. I wish you well and do come back! Anita

  19. HI JUDE! Thank you so much for coming to visit me! Did you like the BLUE? It has been a while since you've posted, and I wish you would...your blue beauty is remarkable. Have a sunny day!

  20. Dearest Jude, I see I am here again on this beautiful day of July 2016. Thank you so much for coming to visit my post. I sure miss your ethereal posts!

  21. Dear Jude, good morning! Thank you so much for "flying by" my blog post! I sure would love to see another beautiful, blue post from you one day. I am very grateful that you have come to visit me!

    I hope you are not experiencing this heat as we are here. But I heard that most of the country is in heat wave mode!

    Enjoy a beautiful, summer day. Anita

  22. Oh Jude, I hope you get my message here...or perhaps I should go to find you on Instagram, but THANK YOU so much for sharing your experience with kindness on my blog today!

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